Command line interface

Polly has a single binary file polly that provides a CLI. This file includes both server and client functionality. In order to leverage any functionality outside of the store options, the server must be started.

Service Control

Polly leverages the detected init software to control the service. A polly start is essentially the equivalent of service polly start.


Start the server in the foreground with the following command.

polly start -f


Restart the server in the foreground with the following command.

polly restart


Stop the server with the following command.

polly stop

Volume operations

polly volume [command] [flags]

Use a --help at any point to receive more information.

  -l, --logLevel="warn": The log level (error, warn, info, debug)
  -v, --verbose[=false]: Print verbose help information

List volumes

Get list of volumes managed by Polly

By default this command lists only volumes that Polly has been made aware of.

polly volume get
$ polly volume get
- volume:
    attachments: []
    availabilityzone: zone-000
    iops: 0
    name: Volume 0
    networkname: ""
    size: 10240
    status: ""
    id: vol-000
    type: gold
    fields: {}
  volumeid: mock-vol-000
  servicename: mock
  schedulers: []
    color: magenta

Get list of all volumes available to Polly

In order to retrieve all of the existing volumes that are available to the Polly instance, you must specify a --all flag.

polly volume get --all
$ polly volume get --all

- volume:
    attachments: []
    availabilityzone: zone-000
    iops: 0
    name: Volume 0
    networkname: ""
    size: 10240
    status: ""
    id: vol-000
    type: gold
    fields: {}
  volumeid: mock-vol-000
  servicename: mock
  schedulers: []
  labels: {}
- volume:
    attachments: []
    availabilityzone: zone-001
    iops: 0
    name: Volume 1
    networkname: ""
    size: 40960
    status: ""
    id: vol-001
    type: gold
    fields: {}
  volumeid: mock-vol-001
  servicename: mock
  schedulers: []
  labels: {}

Offer a volume to scheduler(s)

Once have volume ID's to use, you can offer these to services or schedulers that are attached to Polly's libStorage interface.

polly volume offer --format=json  --scheduler=<schedname1>,... \
$ polly volume offer --format=json  --scheduler=kubernetes1,mesos15 \

{"availabilityZone":"zone-000","name":"Volume 0","size":10240,"id":"vol-000",
"schedulers":["kubernetes1"," mesos15"],"labels":{"color":"magenta"}}

Revoke an offer of a volume to scheduler(s)

These offers can be revoked at any time by specifying the schedulerName.

polly volume revoke --scheduler=<schedname1> --volumeid=<volid>
$ polly volume revoke --scheduler="kubernetes1" --volumeid=mock-vol-000

  attachments: []
  availabilityzone: zone-000
  iops: 0
  name: Volume 0
  networkname: ""
  size: 10240
  status: ""
  id: vol-000
  type: gold
  fields: {}
volumeid: mock-vol-000
servicename: mock
- 'mesos15'
  color: magenta

Create label(s) on a volume

Arbitrary labels can be configured for volumes. These are set in key and value pairs. These labels are avaialable as fields in the libStorage clients.

polly volume label --label=<key>=<value>,... --volumeid=<volid>
$ polly volume label --label=size=large,size2=medium --volumeid=mock-vol-000

  attachments: []
  availabilityzone: zone-000
  iops: 0
  name: Volume 0
  networkname: ""
  size: 10240
  status: ""
  id: vol-000
  type: gold
  fields: {}
volumeid: mock-vol-000
servicename: mock
- 'mesos15'
  color: magenta
  size: large
  size2: medium

Remove label(s) on a volume

Labels can be easily removed with the following command.

polly volume labelremove --label=<key1>,<key2>... --volumeid=<volid>
polly volume labelremove --label=region,size --volumeid=mock-vol-000

  attachments: []
  availabilityzone: zone-000
  iops: 0
  name: Volume 0
  networkname: ""
  size: 10240
  status: ""
  id: vol-000
  type: gold
  fields: {}
volumeid: mock-vol-000
servicename: mock
- ' mesos15'
  color: magenta

Creates a new volume

When creating a volume you can optionally specify the scheduler and label details.

polly volume create --availabilityzone=availabilityzone --iops=<int> \
 --label=<key>=<value>,... --name=name --scheduler="schedname,..." \
 --servicename=libstorage-servicename --size=<gb in int> --type=libstoragetype
$ polly volume create --servicename=mock2 --name=testing2  --size=1
  attachments: []
  availabilityzone: ""
  iops: 0
  name: testing2
  networkname: ""
  size: 1
  status: ""
  id: vol-005
  type: ""
  fields: {}
volumeid: mock2-vol-005
servicename: mock2
- ""
labels: {}

Removes a volume

Removing a volume is done by specifying the volumeID.

polly volume --volumeid=<volid>

$ polly volume remove --volumeid=mock2-vol-005

Persistent Store operations

Persistent store operations provide a way to view and clear out the information that Polly uses to track it's knowledge of volumes.

Get List of volumes retained in the persistent store

polly store get

$ polly store get

polly/volumeinternal/mock2-vol-006/: ""
polly/volumeinternal/mock2-vol-006/ID: mock2-vol-006
polly/volumeinternal/mock2-vol-006/Schedulers: '[""]'
polly/volumeinternal/mock2-vol-006/ServiceName: mock2

Completely erase the persistent store

Warning: this is a destructive operation. It wipes Polly's internal persistent store and results in non-recoverable loss of volume labels and scheduler claims. It should not be used in a production environment.

polly store erase

$ polly store erase

WARN[0000] erasing polly store trees                     store=&{client:0xc820148b40 boltBucket:[77 121 66 111 108 116 68 98 95 116 101 115 116] dbIndex:5 path:/tmp/boltdb timeout:10000000000 PersistConnection:false Mutex:{state:0 sema:0}}


In order to troubleshoot it is suggested that you run polly in debug mode and in the foreground. You can easily do this with polly start -l debug -f.

The version screen will display all of the commit and semantic versioning information.

Binary: /go/bin/polly
SemVer: 0.1.0-dev+72+dirty
OsArch: Linux-x86_64
Branch: bugfix_store_list
Commit: c07935a9a179de29d090a03d84669408d82e0bb0
Formed: Tue, 10 May 2016 07:39:17 UTC

This can be convenient for determining the operating configuration.

polly env

Determine where Polly is running

sudo polly service status

Determine OS init system type

sudo polly service initsys